Suppose you were writing a program to simulate the throwing of two dice. The minimum result you can have is 2 1 + 1 and the maximum result you can have is 12 6 + 6.

The following code is how you’d typically do this:

// We need this for the Random type
open System

// Generate a list of the results
let diceResults = [2..12]

// Write a function to return a random entry
let tossDice list = 
  let index = Random.Shared.Next(0, List.length list)

// Execute and store the result
let result = tossDice diceResults

// Print the result
printfn "Dice result: %i" result

In F#, this can be simplified even further with the addition of randomChoice to Lists, as well as Sequences and Arrays as part of the FSharp.Core package.

The code can be simplified as follows:

// Generate a list of the results
let diceResults = [2..12]

// Execute and store the result
let result = List.randomChoice diceResults

// Print the result
printfn "Dice result: %i" result

Happy hacking!