This is Part 1 of a series on Dependency Injection

Unless you have been living under a rock, you cannot have escaped coming across the term “dependency injection” or DI. But what really is it?

In this series of posts, we shall build out an explanation for this with an example to illustrate the various ideas and concepts and how to implement them. And then at the end, we can see what it is, what problems it solves and how to use it in your applications.

Suppose we have an alerting system that we expose via an API.

Our alerting system uses Google Email (Gmail) to send either a warning or an information message.

Our first step is to build the class responsible for sending the email and its supporting types. (This class has dummy functionality to simplify these posts).

The first type is a GmailAlert.

public record GmailAlert(string Title, string Body);

The class responsible for sending the alerts is the GmailAlertSender.

public sealed class GmailAlertSender
    private readonly int _port;
    private readonly string _username;
    private readonly string _password;
    public string Configuration { get; }

    public GmailAlertSender(int port, string username, string password)
        _port = port;
        _username = username;
        _password = password;
        Configuration = $"Configuration - Port: {_port}; Username: {_username}; Password: {_password}";
    public async Task<string> SendAlert(GmailAlert message)
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

In a real-world scenario, this class would be responsible for connecting to and authenticating to Gmail and then actually sending the message, but here, we simulate work by waiting 5 seconds and then returning an identifier.

Finally, we have a simple API with an endpoint to send emergency alerts using the GmailAlertSender` class we have defined above.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

app.MapPost("/v1/SendGmailEmergencyAlert", async (Alert alert) =>
    var mailer =
        new GmailAlertSender(400, "username", "password");
    var gmailAlert = new GmailAlert(alert.Title, alert.Message);
    var alertID = await mailer.SendAlert(gmailAlert);
    return Results.Ok(alertID);


There are a couple of problems with this code.

  1. The port, username and password are hard coded into the endpoints, which means if they change, all the endpoints must be updated.
  2. The endpoints all need to know:
    1. How to create a GmailAlertSender
    2. What parameters it requires
  3. The code to create a GmailSender is repeated on every endpoint.

Let us start with the first.

The obvious solution to this problem is if, in some way, we can pass the parameters to the endpoints so that they no longer need to know them.

Perhaps when the API starts, we can read the settings from some sort of configuration file and then have them available to any API that requires them.

This presents an additional challenge - there are very many ways that configuration data can be stored:

  • JSON configuration
  • XML Configuration
  • Custom files
  • Environment variables
  • Databases

This is such a common problem that .NET applications have come up with a service that we can leverage to make loading of settings and their use largely abstracted away from the application. You can read about it here or in a previous post where I touched on this, but we shall step by step implement this in our API.

The first step is to come up with a class that will store our settings.

This class must have public, writable properties, as the configuration engine sets them.

public class GmailSettings
    public string GmailUserName { get; set; } = "";
    public string GmailPassword { get; set; } = "";
    public int GmailPort { get; set; }

The next step is to create the settings. In most .NET applications, settings are stored in a file named appsettings.json, which has all the application settings in JSON format

We can modify this to add our settings. The default settings file looks like this:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*"

We can add our own settings to the bottom, like this:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
    "GmailSettings": {
    "GmailUserName": "username",
    "GmailPassword": "password",
    "GmailPort": 4000

The next step is to plug into the configuration mechanism and tell our application what settings we are interested in and where to load them.

The startup looks like this

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

The code nameof(GmailSettings) merely returns the string “GmailSettings”. It is good practice to avoid hard-coding strings because if you supply the string directly and later decide to rename the settings to GmailSettings, you will almost certainly forget to change the string in the startup code.

We add this new line just after creating the builder.


This code essentially instructs the application as follows:

  • Wherever the settings are stored, look for a section named GmailSettings
  • Load those values into a class of type GmailSettings
  • When asked, provide said values to whoever asked for them

The code now looks like this:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();

Finally, we update our endpoints to indicate that we are passing to them something that they will use to retrieve the settings.

app.MapPost("/v2/SendGmailEmergencyAlert", async (Alert alert, IOptions<GmailSettings> settings) =>
    var gmailSettings = settings.Value;
    var mailer =
        new GmailAlertSender(gmailSettings.GmailPort, gmailSettings.GmailUserName, gmailSettings.GmailPassword);
    var gmailAlert = new GmailAlert(alert.Title, alert.Message);
    var alertID = await mailer.SendAlert(gmailAlert);
    return Results.Ok(alertID);

There are two important points:

  1. The parameter IOptions<Settings> settings that we are passing isn’t, in fact, the GmailSettings class, as you might expect. It is a generic interface of IOptions, for which Settings is the type we pass.
  2. To get the actual GmailSettings, we access the Value property of this parameter.

Why, you might ask, do it this way? Wouldn’t it be simpler to pass the GmailSettings directly? The main reason is that while, in most cases, settings are loaded once and remain static until the application is reloaded, it is possible to have a situation where you want GmailSettings to be loaded each time an API is accessed or a service is requested. Having the GmailSettings passed as a class would not work here. But the .NET configuration mechanism supports this, and so in such a situation it will read the GmailSettings from storage again.

At this point, we have implemented dependency injection for our settings.

The API does not know the parameters for the GmailAlertSender, where to get them, or how to load them. We have injected this infrastructure and responsibility into the endpoint, including how and, by extension, where to get the settings.

Can we extend this knowledge to inject a GmailAlertSender?

In the words of Barack Obama - yes, we can.

We will have to do some extra work in the startup

  1. Load the GmailSettings
  2. Register our GmailAlertSender

I have talked about loading settings in the post Loading & Using Application Settings In .NET

We achieve this as follows:

// Register our GmailSender, passing our settings
builder.Services.AddSingleton<GmailAlertSender>(provider =>
    // Fetch the settings from the DI Container
    var settings = provider.GetService<IOptions<GmailSettings>>()!.Value;
    return new GmailAlertSender(settings.GmailPort, settings.GmailUserName,

As a reminder, AddSingleton means that a single instance of the registered type is created once, and every time it is requested, that instance is returned.

Finally, we update our API endpoints to inform them that we are injecting our GmailAlertSender

app.MapPost("/v3/SendGmailEmergencyAlert", async (Alert alert, GmailAlertSender mailer) =>
    var gmailAlert = new GmailAlert(alert.Title, alert.Message);
    var alertID = await mailer.SendAlert(gmailAlert);
    return Results.Ok(alertID);

A couple of things to point out:

  1. We are no longer injecting the settings. We don’t need to, as the GmailAlertSender is already preconfigured and ready to go.
  2. The code in the controllers is less
  3. If we need to extend the GmailAlertSender, we can do so without the APIs having to know anything about it.

Given this method signature:

app.MapPost("/v3/SendGmailEmergencyAlert", async (Alert alert, GmailAlertSender mailer) =>

You might wonder - how does the runtime know where to find the Alert and where to find the GmailAlertSender?

You would be right to wonder. Technically, the correct way to do this is to tell the runtime where to retrieve these parameters explicitly. The code should actually look like this:

app.MapPost("/v3/SendGmailEmergencyAlert", async ([FromBody] Alert alert, [FromServices] GmailAlertSender mailer) 

[FromBody] here tells the runtime to retrieve the Alert from the body of the request. Typically, this would be in JSON or XML. [FromServices] means retrieve from the services that have been registered with the application. You can also bind from a Form, QueryString, Route or Header.

To make life simpler, whenever an endpoint is invoked, the runtime scans all these sources and binds them to the specified types as soon as a match is found. It is probably better to be explicit and decorate the parameters with the appropriate attribute.

This is all held together by what is called a dependency injection container. From .NET Core 1, one has been built into the applications (specifically Web and API applications, but it was also available in the console and services if you did some extra work).

We can make use of this information because one of the services available for injection is an ILogger. We can use this to log messages.

For example, to verify our settings are loaded correctly, we can inject an ILogger and use that to print the configuration of our GmailAlertSender. We can update our endpoint as follows:

app.MapPost("/v3/SendGmailEmergencyAlert", async ([FromBody] Alert alert, [FromServices] GmailAlertSender mailer,
    [FromServices] ILogger<Program> logger) =>
    logger.LogInformation("Active Configuration: {Configuration}", mailer.Configuration);
    var gmailAlert = new GmailAlert(alert.Title, alert.Message);
    var alertID = await mailer.SendAlert(gmailAlert);
    return Results.Ok(alertID);

In our console, the following should be printed:

info: Program[0]
      Active Configuration: Configuration - Port: 4000; Username: username; Password: password

If you don’t want to use the .NET built-in DI container, there are alternatives like AutoFac and Lamar.

In the next post, we will explore how to extend this even further to quickly adapt applications to changing business, technology, and environmental needs.

The code is in my GitHub. The source code builds from first principles as outlined in this series of posts with different versions of the API demonstrating the improvements.

Happy hacking!