There are a number of integral types in .NET:

  • sbyte (signed byte)
  • byte (unsigned byte)
  • short (signed 16 bit int)
  • ushort (unsigned 16 bit int)
  • int (signed 32 bit integer)
  • uint (unsigned 32 bit integer)
  • long (signed 64 bit integer)
  • ulong (unsigned 64 bit integer)

There are also a number of floating point types:

  • float
  • double
  • decimal

Deciding which to use depends on your circumstances and problem domain, and it is important to appreciate the range of sizes for each.

You can, of course, check the documentation for integral and floating-point types.

However, there is a much quicker way to check for yourself.

Each type has a field that will give you the maximum and minimum values.

We can write a small program to print these values.

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for sbyte is {sbyte.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for sbyte is {sbyte.MinValue:#,0.00}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for byte is {byte.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for byte is {byte.MinValue:#,0.00}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for short  is {short.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for short  is {short.MinValue:#,0.00}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for ushort is {ushort.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for ushort is {ushort.MinValue:#,0.00}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for int is {int.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for int is {int.MinValue:#,0.00}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for uint is {uint.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for uint is {uint.MinValue:#,0.00}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for long is {long.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for long is {long.MinValue:#,0.00}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for ulong  is {ulong.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for ulong  is {ulong.MinValue:#,0.00}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for float is {float.MaxValue:E}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for float is {float.MinValue:E}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for double is {double.MaxValue:E}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for double is {double.MinValue:E}");

Console.WriteLine($"The largest value for decimal is {decimal.MaxValue:#,0.00}");
Console.WriteLine($"The smallest value for decimal is {decimal.MinValue:#,0.00}");

For the float and double types, we are outputting the values in E notation.

The code above will print the following:

The largest value for sbyte is 127.00
The smallest value for sbyte is -128.00
The largest value for byte is 255.00
The smallest value for byte is 0.00
The largest value for short  is 32,767.00
The smallest value for short  is -32,768.00
The largest value for ushort is 65,535.00
The smallest value for ushort is 0.00
The largest value for int is 2,147,483,647.00
The smallest value for int is -2,147,483,648.00
The largest value for uint is 4,294,967,295.00
The smallest value for uint is 0.00
The largest value for long is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.00
The smallest value for long is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808.00
The largest value for ulong  is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.00
The smallest value for ulong  is 0.00
The largest value for float is 3.402823E+038
The smallest value for float is -3.402823E+038
The largest value for double is 1.797693E+308
The smallest value for double is -1.797693E+308
The largest value for decimal is 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335.00
The smallest value for decimal is -79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335.00


Numeric types have MinValue and MaxValue fields that allow fetching their lower and upper bounds.

Happy hacking!