Goodbye Wordpress
I have been running this blog on WordPress since inception, and using WordPress in general for many years (since 2005).
While uploading my last post I got a cryptic error and the effort aborted.
I tried several times before giving up.
At which point I realized that my content was at the mercy of somebody else’s platform.
My words are stored in a database somewhere, mixed with markup and formatting that only WordPress can render correctly.
So I have just completed migrating from WordPress to Jekyll, a static site generator.
This gives me a number of benefits
- The content and its formatting is 100% controlled by me
- The content and its rendering are different. So I can write my posts in markup without worrying about mixing concerns
- Given the content and presentation are separate I can do interesting things like re-purpose the markdown content for other uses - perhaps on an intranet, or as a PDF
- I don’t have to worry about server software (runtimes, blog platform updates, etc) - all the server requires is a HTTP server
- If WordPress is discontinued there is nothing to worry about. Markdown is just plain text
- It is cheap to quickly publish and view the site as it will appear to end users.
- WordPress gave me a lot of problems when it came to formatting source code. Jekykll handles that brilliantly
- A Jekyll site is FAST
- I always have my content with me
- It is very easy to correct and update posts
Here’s to the future.
Happy hacking!