Frequently in the course of your code, you will need to get the current date.

Which is very simple - the Now property of the DateTime object.

var currentDate = DateTime.Now;

This is correct; and also wrong.

Because if you get the actual value:


the value returned is as follows:

7 Aug 2021 17:00:43

It is correct in the sense that the date I am writing this is indeed 7 August.

It is wrong because there is a time component to the date.

This is important because if you are doing any sort of date comparison logic, the time might throw off your comparison.

So a query like this might produce unexpected results:

var ordersToday = db.Orders.Where(x=>x.OrderDate == currentDate);

The Time component will restrict the results.

There are two ways around this:

The first is to use the Date property of the DateTime object.

var currentDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

This constructs a new DateTime object using the current DateTime, but ignores the time component.

The output is as follows:

7 Aug 2021 00:00:00

An even quicker way is to use the Today property of the DateTime

var currentDate = DateTime.Today;

The benefit of the Date method is it works with any date.

Happy hacking!